Individualized and Personalized Therapy
We strongly believe that all counseling should be tailored to the client/patient and that this approach is most likely served best through individualized and personalized therapy.
We try to avoid labeling folks as it is the number one reason why people say they don’t want to go for help; that people will stigmatize them or tell them they need to follow a certain treatment plan or admit they have a disease.
We encourage evidence-based treatment choices, but we won’t push anyone to do anything they are not ready to do. We do not believe that addiction recovery will not work if it’s one-size-fits-all, such as when the approach is something like AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) or the highway.
Individualized and Personalized Therapy Options
We believe, and research has shown, that individual therapy is a good start to treatment but that most forms of recovery involve several layers of therapy. These might include:
- group therapy
- exercise
- nutrition
- social support
- medication if necessary
Some people want a more intensive individual treatment several times a week and others want to meet every other week or even monthly.
Therapy should be individualized and it should be personalized.
You call the shots. You hired us and we work for you. That doesn’t mean we won’t make strong suggestions and that we won’t encourage you to gently move through your comfort zone. But it is clearly possible to keep your treatment individualized and personalized in every aspect of your recovery.
If you have questions about what this means please do not hesitate to call and speak with us about the various treatment options that might be right for you.