Learn More About Harm Reduction
Harm Reduction is an approach to counseling that prioritizes reducing harm in individuals’ lives. These resources can help you learn more about this approach.
These links are for information only and are designed to help patients become better informed about approaches to therapy.
The therapists at Jeremy Frank & Associates are trained in harm reduction. We encourage you to learn more about how we use the Harm Reduction approach and to schedule a consultation to talk with us and learn if harm reduction can help you.
HAMS (Harm Reduction, Abstinence, and Moderation Support)
HAMS is a peer-led and free-of-charge support and informational group for anyone who wants to change their drinking habits for the better. The acronym HAMS stands for: Harm Reduction, Abstinence, and Moderation Support. This group supports safer drinking, reduced drinking, or quitting.
Book: Harm Reduction Psychotherapy
We highly recommend reading this book by Andrew Tatarsky, PhD to better understand Harm Reduction. Dr. Tatasky previously ran the Center for Optimal Living NY, a model practice for Harm Reduction in NY.
Practical Recovery
Practical Recovery is a “non-12 step drug rehab and alcohol treatment without stigma, without shame. Just compassion and guidance.” They are a model practice for Harm Reduction and are located in California. Their website contains many helpful resource articles.
Moderation Management
Moderation Management is a non-profit organization working to reduce the harm caused by the misuse of alcohol. They provides a non-judgmental, compassionate peer-support community for anyone who wants to change their relationship with alcohol. On their website you will find information about meetings, links to therapists, and support for individuals seeking a harm reduction approach.

Take the Next Step
We can help you find the treatment or therapy that will work for you. Contact the JFA office with any questions and to schedule a consultation. With the guidance and support of a therapist, you can start recovery now.