Most folks who come for help at Jeremy Frank and Associates are coming to either learn how to stop their drinking or learn how to control and moderate their use. Alcohol use is the number one addictive disorder in the United States and much of what we have learned about treatment, alcoholism, and recovery from alcoholism is gleaned from working with clients who struggle with the role that alcohol plays in their lives.

There are many ways with which we can work with you or your loved ones to help explore the role that alcohol plays in one’s life. An evaluation or assessment with one of our associates can help you determine what options and approaches might be best for you.

Examining The Role of Alcohol In Your Life

Alcohol is the number one drug in the United States and the number one health concern affecting college students. Many people can drink alcohol successfully without ever experiencing problems. But for those who do struggle with drinking, there are numerous reasons why that might be the case. Alcohol use disorders are just one reason while other mental health concerns are another.

It’s our belief that most people drink alcohol in a social contextual environment and that at heart, people drink because it facilitates social connection or helps people feel better about something interpersonal in their lives. Regardless of the reasons behind why people drink, it’s definitely worth considering the association between our alcohol use and our thoughts and feelings about ourselves, choices, and behaviors.

Alcohol Use and Treatment Information

Provided below are links and resources gleaned to be helpful to individuals, families, and friends of anyone seeking to explore the role that alcohol plays in their lives. This list is wide and varied but certainly not exhaustive. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions or suggestions about what links or information we can provide especially to our Philadelphia and Montgomery County residents of Pennsylvania.

  • Alcohol: Weighing risks and potential benefits (Mayo Clinic) How many drinks constitute drinking in “moderation?” What are the benefits of drinking in moderation and the risks of excessive drinking? What health conditions are dangerous to drink alcohol? What common over-the-counter and prescription medications interact dangerously with alcohol? Read this and find out.
  • Rethinking Drinking: Alcohol and Your Health (PDF File – Feel free to reprint) A research-based pamphlet from the National Institutes of Health helps assess drinking habits and provides information on how to make changes for those who wish to cut down on or quit drinking.
  • National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD): Definition of Alcoholism Alcoholism defined, published in 1992 in the Journal of the American Medical Association it is a widely used working definition of alcoholism in the united states.
  • Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR): Alcohol Profile CESAR at the University of Maryland at College Park conducts research and evaluation, and provides technical assistance. CESAR is dedicated to addressing the problems substance abuse creates for individuals, families, and communities. This particular resource presents information about alcohol composition, content in drinks, short-and long-term effects, symptoms of alcohol poisoning, alcohol and gender, alcoholism warning signs, and additional links, and resources.
  • Hangovers (Mayo Clinic) Guide explaining hangover, the risk factors, complications, and treatment.
  • Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services agency with programs, funding, and information on mental health and substance abuse. Comprised of the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), and the Office of Applied Studies (OAS).
  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)  Researches and collaborates with institutes and federal programs, internationally, nationally, and locally, translates and disseminates research findings to health care providers, policymakers, and the public.
  • The American Society of Addiction Medicine The American Society of Addiction Medicine seeks to improve the quality of treatment for addiction both through the conduct of its members and for the patients themselves providing links to scholarly journals, some of which are available for free.
  • Stop Underage Drinking Federal resources with state videos reporting prevention outcome and addressing underage drinking, statistics, funding, and resources. The articles and reports are categorized by audience or subject, including community/faith-based, parents, enforcement/adjudication, youth, business, educators, and prevention/treatment.
  • Too Smart to Start A prevention-oriented website aimed at youth, families, educators, and communities. It is filled with resources and information, including a guide on conducting a needs assessment in your community.
  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (rev. 2009) “Make a Difference: Talk to Your Child About Alcohol” A guide for parents of children between the ages of 10-14 focussing on alcohol prevention.
  • Drug Free Pennsylvania Information for parents, educators, employers and the media about drugs and alcohol, street names, Pennsylvania surveys and policy, training, and consultation materials.
  • “High Functioning, But Still Alcoholics” (Brody, Jane E., The New York Times, 5/4/09) This type of alcoholic is often overlooked and given a free pass. Help article in being able to understand alcoholism.
  • “Opening Wide His (Repaired) Heart” (Itzkoff, Dave, The New York Times, 11/19/09) Actor and comedian Robin Williams talks about recovering from alcoholism, among other things.
  • National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. Fighting the stigma and disease of alcohol and other addictions through public education campaigns, advocacy, and publications. 24-hour affiliate referral line (the Hope Line): 800-NCA-CALL and coordinates a National Intervention Network to assist families and friends of addicted persons: 800-654-HOPE.
  • Coordinating Office for Drug & Alcohol Abuse Programs (CODAAP) Through the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, CODAAP administers Philadelphia’s outpatient and residential drug and alcohol programs and services through contracts with community providers. Main number: 215-685-5444; toll-free number: 888-545-2600.

Alcoholism Videos

  • Alcohol: A Women’s Issue This program by the National Institutes of Health features narratives of seven women recovering from problems with alcohol. These stories make it clear that it’s possible to miss danger signs and that social drinking can become problem drinking, which in turn can evolve into addiction. Abuse and alcoholism are often perceived as problems that only affect men, but alcoholism has been on the rise among women for the last 40 years.
  • Health: Defining Alcoholism What are the symptoms of alcoholism? When should you worry? A panel of experts discusses the causes and warning signs of alcoholism and how to recognize them in yourself.
  • How I Overcame Alcoholism | TEDx Talk Claudia Christian discusses Naltrexone and the Sinclair method of psychiatric medication for alcoholism.
  • Alcoholic Mother Goes to Rehab – In this ABC News report after more than 20 years of drinking, Lynn Wardlow checks into rehab.

Alcohol Tracking Apps

There are apps available in iTunes and Google Play app stores to track your drinking behavior and become more aware of drinking risks and consequences by using your smartphone. Simply search “alcohol tracking” to see available apps.